Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Moving on Up....

I promised a big update, and you are going to get it, but not all at once.  There's been a lot going on at the house.  We're entering the home stretch now (at least for most of the house) and it's all starting to come together.  Which means, of course, that we now have DOORS!  Yes folks, we have doors in the house again.

Now, this may not sound super exciting to anyone else, but if you've not had doors in the house for the better part of the last three months, having doors again is a big change.  Sure, they aren't painted yet (or most of them aren't anyway).  And true, they don't have handles yet, but let's focus on the big picture here.  I can now use the bathroom without worrying about someone walking in on me since with the curtain up it was hard to tell if someone was in there.

Also, we have trim!  The very first thing we took out of the house (after the nasty carpet) was the trim.  It was wood, but not nice wood, and it didn't meet in the corners at all.   And it all came out and is now living in the basement.  And now we have nice new trim.  It's pretty and white and, while it's not all in yet, what is in actually meets in the corners!  Yay for small things.

And I promise that other big things are happening (like kitchen type things).  But I'm not going to give it all to you at once.  So you'll just have to wait for that update.  But to tide you over.......

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Young House Love

I'm finally writing a post that is long, long over due.  Well, technically 15 days overdue I guess, since the event we went to was on October 20, but better late than never, right?

Anyway, on Saturday October 20, Landon and I took Saturday morning off and, instead of working on our house, we went down to the Books by the Banks festival in downtown Cincinnati.  Why?  Well, it had a lot to do with this:  

Most of you are probably wondering who those people in the photograph with me are.  They happen to be John & Sherry Petersik, the couple behind the blog Young House Love which I love.  They also happen to have just written a book and were speaking at the festival.  I'm a regular reader of their blog and I was excited to get to meet them, so I drug Landon downtown with me.  

It was a fun time.  The talk was great, and really helped put what we are doing here in perspective with  tips like "Don't Rush It" and "Don't Worry About Making Mistakes."  I think even Landon enjoyed it.  

And then we stood in line forever to get a chance to meet them. I was hoping to snag a copy of their book, but they were sold out, so they signed a book plate for me, (and one for my friend Andrea who introduced me to their blog) and we had a chance to chat for a second.  I would have loved to tell them all about the house, but the line was still really long, and I didn't want to take up too much of their time.  I guess I can only hope the find my little blog and enjoy it.  

And if you are confused as to how I have a copy of the book that was sold out, I have one word for you:  Amazon.  I've already gotten through most of it, and I love the tips and tricks they share.  I can't wait to use some of the ideas I have in our house, once we get to the decorating stage.  (Which shouldn't be too long.  Big things have been happening.  Stay tuned.)