Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Little Slice of Happy

So while we've been easing back in to doing major work on the house, I've been working on a few little projects.  One of those projects was over hauling an organizer that I found at Goodwill back before Christmas.

It was $4 and at first I thought I might use it in the entry way to catch the mail and hang keys on, but once I got it home, I realized it was a bit small for that.  It was also a bit beat up so I knew I was going to have to paint it.   I also wanted to cover the cork board with fabric to make it look nicer and while I was searching my fabric stash for something to use, I realized that it would work very nicely in my craft area to hold notions and other small things that tend to get lost in my drawers of crafting supplies.

In order to paint it, I first took it apart as much as I could.  Thankfully there were screws on the back that were easy to access and allowed me to disassemble it rather easily.

I also managed to remove one of the two shelves.  They were both screwed and glued, but one came lose with a little nudging.  The other wouldn't budge, so I left it.  Then I sanded everything down.  I thought I might have to use wood putty to fill a few scrapes and notches, but as it turned out, sanding took care of them.  Then I used some left over trim paint to paint everything a nice, glossy white.

I also managed to remove the cork board from the backer using a butter knife to loosen the glue.  I laid it face down on my fabric and cut out a piece just a bit bigger than the board.

I then wrapped the fabric around the board and used hot glue to secure it in place.  Once the paint was dry and the glue had a chance to harden, I reassembled everything.

I decided after this to paint the three knobs green, but I had to wait a few days for the weather to warm up a bit so I could spray them outside.

As it is, it looks nice and will match the knitting needle holder that I'm in the process of sewing with the rest of the fabric.  Not bad for a total of $7 in supplies ($4 for the organizer and $3 for the spray paint).  Hopefully it will be useful, but if not, at least it will be pretty.


  1. It is so happy looking with the fabric in it!

    1. I know. The boring cork was kind of sad looking. I'm so glad I added the fabric!
