Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 1--Buzzing, Dust, & Sludge

Yesterday was a long day. I started the day like normal, going to work, but the big event was closing on the house that we’ve had under contract for 3 months. We inspected the house and wrapped up closing around 4pm. Got changed from my dress clothes into work clothes and headed straight to the house to get the renovation process (aka demolition) started.

 Termites were found in the dirt around the house during our inspection but none in the house or deck. So, the first step was to remove all dirt and mulch that was above the top of the foundation to decrease the odds of getting an infestation. I moved some dirt around and about 5 shovels in, I managed to find a yellow jacket nest, cutting that project a little short. I guess you might consider me lucky to get away with only 4 stings, but they are still pretty painful and itchy today even with antihistamine.

 After that drama I decided to do something inside to avoid the angry yellow jacket swarm. On the floors we were "blessed" with original 1979 carpet that absolutely had to go, all 2000sqft of it. So I spent most of the evening cutting and pulling up the carpet (gloves and a mask were required). I managed to get about 75% of the carpet ready for the dumpster that is being delivered today. During the removal of the carpet I found a fully functional HVAC vent that was under the carpet and padding but still trying it’s hardest to help cool the house. I liberated the vent which should at least help with the efficiency of the A/C.

 While I was working on the carpet, my Dad cleaned out the gutters as there was so much gunk and sludge that they actually had saplings growing up to a foot tall through the gutter guard. The gutters were this bad pretty much all around the house which is not good for water flow away from the house! And we want to have a dry basement!

The other task that was started and will take a lot of time was draining the 13ft x 26ft above ground swamp (aka pool) that is way too close to the house. We poked a few holes in the the bottom of the liner and did some controlled pumping of the water out as to not flood any of our neighbors. With any luck we’ll have the pool drained and ready for dis-assembly this weekend. After about 5hrs of working we called it quits for the night. A lot accomplished and a really good start.

 Failure of the Day: Yellow jacket attack! Ouch!
 Find of the Day: A functional vent under the carpet and padding

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