Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Drywall Dust and Mouse Poop

Last night started out full of frustration and ended with some surprises.  First, we were trying to tackle the absolute mess on the walls in the first bedroom.  The previous owners had patched some of the thousands of nail holes in the wall but didn't sand anything before painting over it all, leaving a wall that was lumpy, bumpy and anything but pretty.  Because the patches were painted with latex paint, we couldn't just sand them down with sand papers.  Landon, after some research, decided to try sanding screen.  It worked, but after an hour and a half of both of us sanding away, we had only done about 1/2 of one wall.  I got frustrated and went outside while Landon worked on finding another solution so we weren't sanding walls for the next month.  Turns out there is this thing called a drywall sander which should work.
I haven't met you, and this is crazy, but you have saved me.
 I love you maybe.  

We're trying to rent one for Saturday.  I don't care how much it costs.  It will be worth every penny.  My arm already feels like it wants to fall off.

While I was outside cooling down (literally and figuratively) I got to meet a few of our new neighbors.  Fred and Dabney from a few doors down came by.  They are super nice and I'm very excited to have met some of the neighbors.

After all of that, Landon and I worked on taking down the upper cabinets in the kitchen.  It was satisfying work after all the sanding.  And I got to use power tools which is always fun.  Imagine our surprise when we discovered that our cabinets above our sink were hiding a vent for a stove hood.  So apparently at some point in it's life, the stove was where the sink is now.  We still don't know where the sink was.  My guess is on the other wall, under where the window is now.  But we don't know for sure.

The hood vent hole hidden above the sink.
We also found a mouse nest on top of the cabinets complete with lots of poop.  Luckily there was no mouse.  We also found two very old boxes of cake mix and an assortment of cleaning products, glass jars, and thermoses.  But, in the end, the cabinets came down.  Since we had already moved out all the old appliances and sold them on Craigslist, the kitchen looks empty.  Now to tackle the bulkheads and the lower cabinets.

Mouse Poop!!!

Microwave Range hood waiting to be disconnected.

And the wallpaper hiding behind the microwave.

Anyone want some really old cake?  It only expired in 2009.

Where the cabinets are now.

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