Monday, August 27, 2012

Fascia, Soffits, & Baffles....Oh My!

This weekend was a busy one with lots of work going on outside.  There were a lot of repairs that needed to be made to the outside of the house, and we wanted to get them out of the way before it got too cold and the days got too short.  So it was all outside work this weekend.

The soffits came down Saturday with the gutters and facia following on Sunday.  New soffits were made to replace the ones that were beyond repair and all the soffits got holes cut to help the air flow in the attic (there is currently none).  Some of the facia boards had to be replaced as well.  And everything had to be painted before it could go back up.  Oh, and we found that they hadn't braced the eaves out properly, so we had to add some bracing to shore up a saggy eave line.  It was a lot of work, and it's not all put back together again, but it will look good when it is done.

Is that a gutter in your yard?  Yes, yes it is.
Taking down the facia boards.
Now what?
Brother-in-law Tom assisting.
Work station in the driveway for cutting new soffits.
The baby birds were not impressed. 
Newly painted soffits.
And facia boards.
And unpainted baffles waiting to be installed.
Putting in new baffles.
Adding insulation.
This was before I discovered I was very allergic to the insulation.
Yup, just like that.
Working on adding screen to the soffits.
Electric Stapler fail.  Let's go back to doing it by hand.
Rehanging some of the facia boards.
And realizing that the roof in front of the front door was sagging. 
Still trying to figure it all out.
So, that's where we are now.  The soffits along the front are all down, along with the gutters and facia boards.  The Soffits have been repaired, painted, and re-screened.  Although, the facia will have to be repainted with flat paint since the semi-gloss finish meant that the entire house looked the same color while the sun was up.  The eaves have all been repaired, except for in front of the door where we need to add support.  And everything is stacked neatly in the entry way since it rained all day today!  Yay!

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