Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Picking out Paint Colors

We've finally gotten to the point where I get to pick paint colors for the interior of the house.  It was much easier than picking for the outside, that's for sure.  Mostly I just used the bedding I had for each room as a guide and picked some colors I liked.  We're going for all neutral-ish colors, so it wasn't too hard.

For Bedroom 1 (the largest guest room), I had two options:

Left:  Wool Skein  Right: Ancestral Gold
While I liked the idea of the gold, in practice both Landon and I liked the tan a lot.  So Wool Skein won.

For Bedroom 2 (middle room) which is going to have some really dark purple bedding from Ikea I tried out only one color, a very very pale purple called Discrete White:

I swear, I painted a swatch just to the right of my hand.
For Bedroom 3 (also know as the craft room/office) I thought I wanted something kind of brighter, so I tried the same Blonde color we tried on the outside.

And we didn't like it on the inside either.
While it was ok, it wasn't really what we wanted.  So, in the interest of saving money on paint, we decided to use the color from Bedroom 1 on these walls as well.  So, the aptly named Wool Skein will get used in the craft room as well.

Bedroom 3, painted.

And the closet/yarn storage.

Bedroom 1 painted.

So pretty.
Bedroom 2 Painted.  Just a hint of color.

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